Ancient Mysticism
& Modern Science

I honor the light that is you and is reflected in me.
Each moment marks a new possibility.
Remembering who we are.
We are all one.


Tailored Sessions

Sessions are custom tailored to each unique individual. After discussing your concerns and goals, we formulate a plan and together choose the best approach from the therapies listed here.

Perhaps you are seeking a deeper spiritual alignment with yourself. You may be seeking new tools and resources to assist you in connecting with yourself in ways you thought weren’t possible. You may be seeking support in getting through a challenging, sticky time of your life. You may be seeking a deeper understanding or new way of being with someone you love, a partner, a child, a parent. Perhaps, you are ready to put in the work and make this possibility a reality.


Nervous System Regulation

Mindfulness Techniques

Acupuncture & Acupressure

Shiatsu Bodywork & Massage

PEMF Mat Therapy ( ElectroMagnetic Cellular Recharge)

Sound & Vocalization Frequency Techniques

Hypnotherapy & Guided Meditation

Quantum Field Active Channeling

Somatic Embodiment Practices

Taoist Practices & Readings


“Finding my way to Dr. Kate was such a relief. It is exactly the kind of medicine I was looking for: the kind that opens me up to a deeper compassion for and understanding of what my pain/symptoms are trying to tell me. Her treatment room is a sacred space, and I felt this from day one. Kate has a wide array of modalities in her toolbox, capable of meeting me wherever I am that day. The work I get to do with Dr. Kate follows me from the treatment room with me through my week. It’s truly a mind-body-spirit shift.” -M.Y.



“I have had a few sessions with Kate and can already feel amazing shifts within my system. She is a very intuitive healer and I feel so supported and seen. Kate deeply listens to what is coming up physically, spiritually and emotionally and guides each session with such care.” -G.G.




Sessions are available in person in PDX or online. I hold a space for you, allow you to go into deep relaxation via guided visualization while resting on the treatment table or at home comfortably. During the session I am actively channeling in the quantum field gathering information and transmitting information through gentle shiatsu massage and fascia work, song, vibrational tuning, acupuncture and guided imagery. Some would say I’m a bit like a translator to help your body release emotional or mental blockages, and physical pain to restore balance and grounding. While in session, I incorporate the most relevant sacred geometry and natural-elemental needs with your personalized reading from The Tao which facilities clear communication in the quantum realm.


“Kate is an intuitive and attentive professional. She's helped me handle some complex issues with a big heart and a range of versatile treatments targeted at whole wellness. I recommend her highly to anyone in pain or seeking growth, she's amazing.” - S.J.



“There are so many positive things to say about Kate. She is calm, thoughtful, intuitive and a good listener. Each session with Kate results in a release of something that doesn't serve me, relief of pain (if they’re to begin with) and relaxation. I feel big gratitude to be a patient of Kate. She is absolutely lovely. I recommend her highly.” -J.C.


If you’re struggling with…

Fears | Anxiety | Stress | Self esteem | Self confidence | Prosperity & manifesting | Removing blocks | Addictive Behaviors | Past trauma | Forgiveness | Memory recall/enhancement | Problem solving | Fatigue | Migraines | Sleep | Concentration | Big transitions | Chronic Pain | Acute Pain | Motor Vehicle Accident Pain

My approach is Taoist and Buddhist in nature, helping you connect with your inner landscape in ways that feels safe. Allowing space for a deeper understanding and connection with spirit through quantum integration, active channeling, visualization and hypnotherapy. In person sessions may include aspects of sound, vocalization, bodywork or acupuncture.


What clients are saying…

Kate shows an immense amount of care and compassion in the services she provides. I am so glad I found her. Whether my needs are pain management, psychological distress, energy re-centering, or mental and emotional anguish, Kate assesses my needs and executes treatment in a way that truly feels the way receiving care should feel.




Long ago my awesome energy worker moved away and I’ve been searching for someone new ever since. I went to Kate for acupuncture and instantly realized she’s the one! She’s way more than just an acupuncturist with many modalities and methods of healing. Every single visit has been a unique healing experience and I am so incredibly grateful to have found her! I would confidently recommend her for your healing and nurturing support. She’s the real deal.



What clients are saying

“Kate is fantastic. I'm a NYC-based massage therapist and was in Portland for a seminar, and after some partnered bodywork started feeling my nervous system react a little too intensely to postural changes and ended up with the kind of terrible headache that makes sleep impossible and leaves me unable to function for at least the next 24 hours. Kate knew to be conservative in her approach with me and her "less is more" moxa treatment was spot-on, and her calm, confident demeanor was incredibly grounding. I experienced immediate relief, was able to sleep soundly, and woke up the next day feeling rested, refreshed, and ready for the following day of my seminar. As a therapeutic professional I've had the chance to receive work from countless complementary health practitioners, so I know that only the best have the confidence in their clinical judgement and skill to scale back and do the more subtle work that makes space for the body to heal itself -- Kate ranks among them. A gem in Portland!” -R.S.


You already hold the key to creating the changes you want for yourself - it's time to activate that powerful inner resource...

Though you are struggling to connect, you are always connected to infinite source.
We each walk a path that is our own, with our individual struggles, but are never alone in our human journey.
We are nature and in nature we observe the beauty of how each element assists, protects and nurtures itself and others.
Timing is always divine. Reach out today.