Frequently Asked Questions

Hypnosis & Guided Meditation

Here are some FAQs on Hypnosis.


What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a natural state of focused attention combined with deep relaxation. In this state the critical and judgmental processes of the conscious mind are quieted while the subconscious becomes more open and receptive to positive suggestions.

What if I can’t be hypnotized?

The majority of the population can be hypnotized. In fact you probably go into and out of a light hypnotic state at least 50 times a day. Activities such as daydreaming, reading, driving, watching TV are done in a hypnotic trance. The exceptions are individuals who 

   • are under the influence of drugs or alcohol

   • have developmental disabilities which interfere with the ability to focus and follow directions

   • do not want to be hypnotized. Someone cannot be hypnotized against his or her will.

Will I be made to do something against my will?

No, you cannot be made to do something against your will. Although the conscious mind is quieted or passive in the hypnotic state it is still aware. You are aware of everything being said and done during hypnotherapy. You are still in control of you and cannot be made to do anything against your will. If something offensive or disagreeable were to be suggested to you, you would most likely come out of the hypnotic state immediately.

What about stage hypnosis, when people are made to do silly things? 

Remember that those people on stage volunteered to be there. They were willing participants and selected among those were individuals who the hypnotist found to be easily hypnotizable. With the audience, the charismatic hypnotist and the pressure to “go along with the show” some people are willing do silly things.

Could I get stuck in hypnosis?

Just as you cannot get stuck sleeping…you cannot get stuck in hypnosis. If the hypnotist stopped talking or left the room or your self-hypnosis tape stopped you would either fall asleep and awaken when sufficiently rested or gradually and naturally return to full awareness.

What is a typical hypnotherapy session like? 

Each hypnotherapy session lasts from 60 to 90 minutes. On the first session you will be asked to fill out a case history questionnaire; providing necessary contact information as well as a basic family, social and medical history. Then a portion of time is set aside to discuss your goals and desired outcome. Next your hypnotherapist will describe the hypnosis process before beginning the hypnosis. Although the process will vary from client to client. A common hypnosis portion of the session lasts approximately 40 min beginning with deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, then a guided visualization or story to deepen the hypnotic state then the positive suggestions are presented to the receptive subconscious mind. Lastly you are emerged from hypnosis and given an opportunity to share and discuss your experience.

Commitment: Time & Financial

Here are some FAQs to answer financial commitments and time commitments required for therapy.


How many sessions are generally required?

This will depend on the client and the issue being addressed. Most issues need at least two and up to six sessions to effectively produce desired changes. I encourage clients to do their “work” between sessions, as this induces faster desired results.

How will I know if this therapy will work for me?

Call or email me and we’ll discuss your options. We’ll talk about your presenting issue, and suggest session options and pricing.

How much is each session?

As each person is unique and a tailed therapy program is created as such, total financial commitment may vary. I do offer bundle pricing for 2 or more sessions. Each session will also include additional written or auditory guidance that you will use throughout the week, in-between your sessions.

How much time will I have to block out between sessions to do my homework?

I know that time is of short supply for most of us. I choose only the best and tailored supportive exercises for you to complete at home, in order to maximize the benefits of the work you put in during our face-to-face time. I generally recommend you spend 15 minutes a day with your “work”.

Can you bill my insurance?

If your insurance company covers acupuncture therapy, it is likely my services will be covered. I can provide you with what the insurance company calls a “superbill”, in which all of the diagnosis codes, treatment codes and other pertinent information is supplied, such that you can submit it to your insurance company for financial reimbursement. Payment is due prior to or at time of service. If you have further questions, please schedule a free consultation.