A little about me

Kate Drake, LAc, CH
Intuitive, Spiritual Medium, Bodyworker

Pronouns: She/her

Persons of all backgrounds, identities and spiritual practices are welcomed with a warm and open heart.
I honor all those who come in love and inclusiveness.
I am a LGBTQ ally and believe in gender affirming care for all. I believe in social justice and that positive change for all of humanity is happening and that we all make a difference in creating a place of peace.

I was born under the stars with a destiny filled with a life of service. I am a manifesting generator, a Spica starseed, a truth seeker, a light maker. I have come to embrace both the light and shadow side of my self and open my heart to the unknown, the unseen and surrender to source that which is too much for me to bear. I love magic and find the natural world and the universe very magical.

I come from a family that is filled with love but also of contradictions and a limited view of what the world is and can offer. I have battled with and overcome addictions. I have found solace and peace in the teachings of buddha and ascended masters. Through song and dance I find freedom and self expression that brings me out of my darkest nights and lifts me up to feel the strength that I hold within and allows me to hold sacred space for others to discover their own inner strength.

I was on the path of service before I even knew what a path was. I have been blessed to have studied with and continue to study with some of the best teachers in Portland, Oregon.
Over the pst two years I started researching my galactic ancestry and star origins. This critical step has provided the possibility for me to make huge strides and make breakthroughs that were closed off to me previously. Through this process, I have learned key information about myself, making it possible to alter and let go of unhelpful repeating behavior patterns.

I am a nomad at heart. My light shines, leading me to understand and embrace the joy in the everyday mundane activities of life and focus on what it means to have health and to be healthy both in the human body and soul. I am deeply empathetic. I believe that relationships are meant to help us grow and explore parts of ourselves that we otherwise would have missed.

I have been in practice since 2018. I have had the honor of working with fabulous clients from MoonVibe Sanctuary, BeWell, and the Portland Wellness Clinic, offering an array of healing services that focuses on muscular skeletal healing due to motor vehicle accidents and acute injuries, internal medicine, brain injury recovery, and mental health.

I have two children, ages 7 and 5 and a partner whom I share a home and life with in SE Portland.

Licensed Acupuncturist, Oregon Medical Board: AC187089
Certified Hypnotherapist by the National Guild of Hypnotists, Teacher Bruce Terrell
Advanced studies of Quantum Shiatsu Therapy, Teachers Beth Hazzard & Susan Hare
Advanced studies of QiGong, Teacher Master Liu He
Advanced studies of Somatic Therapy, Teacher Jessica Garay