Today is Your Day

Schedule Your Free 15 Minute Consultation

Have questions? Want to make sure this is a good fit for your unique situation? Let’s talk!

Call or Text: 971-295-9751

At this time I am taking on a limited number of new clients. Please call or text for availability.

Description of Services


Each session is catered to each unique person, each time you visit. Our sessions together will typically incorporate a blend of the services offered here. Depending on what you choose to work on, total commitment time more commonly varies from two to six sessions, over a one to three month period.

A full description of services, in detail is written below.
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In-Person & Virtual Sessions Available

Currently, I am offering in-person sessions and virtual sessions.
Session are typically 60 minutes in length.
Virtual session are hypnotherapy based.


Herbal & Supplement Support


Offering a gentle acupuncture, where less is more. Also available is toyohari, an approach activating acupuncture points without needles and instead utilize tools such as teishins, tuning forks, cups, heat or aromatherapy. A full cabinet of Chinese herbal supplements and western supplements are available to offer additional internal support.


Hypnotherapy & Guided Meditation


Hypnosis, the act of putting an individual in a suggestive state, is one of the most impactful methods for achieving a goal. Through a hypnotic practice, we can reach the subconscious and directly encourage change, banish personal restrictions, and influence behavior. Hypnosis can be thought of as a guided meditation designed to explore the subconscious mind through intentional visuals, sounds, and emotional cues. Naturally, safely, and effectively create balance and wellness in your body, mind, and spirit. Eliminate fears, reduce stress and anxiety, control pain, replace unwanted behaviors, quit smoking, lose weight and unblock negative energy. Kate will put you in an induced focused state of deep relaxation, which provides internal space for your subconscious to create beneficial psychological and physiological changes.

Quantum Shiatsu
Energy & Bodywork


Quantum Shiatsu Energy Work is a gentle acupressure massage paired with major joint movements and off-body energy work. Clients are fully clothed and rest upon a massage table while the treatment is in process. Quantum shiatsu is grounded in quantum physics principles, sacred geometry and Japanese meridian theory. This work is appropriate for anyone who is interested in working with their higher frequency energies, desire to feel more connected with source and community, are working through challenging life circumstances, or making big shifts in their life and desire energetic support. Similar to Reiki, quantum shiatsu promotes healthy physical, mental and emotional support.


Sound Healing &
Soul Song Blessings


For millions of years, throughout every continent and culture, sound has been utilized as a simple and effective way to ease pain, and further healing. Current sound tools I use in sessions include singing bowls, harmonium and tuning forks in combination with mantra or free form soul-song. Soul song is a transmission received, and I translate this into musical form. Music has been a long standing gift and I am happy to offer this to my clients in session.


Somatic & Sensorial
Embodiment Practice


Nervous system regulation therapy. Treatment is slow paced with gentle movements. The body has time to acclimate and make new nuropathway connections, providing more long term effects for desired results. A great therapy for mind-body connection and practicing the art of being present with both thoughts and sensations.


Astrology & Oracle


The Dao, know as, the Way of Nature has an endless supply of wisdom and guidance to offer all of us at any given point, but especially when we are facing obstacles or outright blockages. Card readings are self led, with myself offering insight where needed. This is a tool that provides insight from another perspective, offering clarity in another way. Astrological readings are available and focus in on the aspects of the soul’s purpose here and your planetary and star energy strengths. Astrology is not fortune telling, but rather an opportunity to see the possibilities that are available to us if we choose to act.

Myofascial Massage,
Cupping & GuaSha


Gentle in nature and very effective, myofascial release offers the body a time to restructure in a way that feels easeful and non-intrusive. Cupping and gush have been used for centuries to increase blood, and smooth muscle and fascia tissues. Great as a stand-alone or in conjunction with acupuncture or chiropractic work, these modalities offer numerous benefits for both acute and chronic pain sufferers.